Monday, September 9, 2013

Real Funny!?!

Ok, so the new house does have a toilet inside....N thought it would be real funny to torment me for the last 6 months and has got everyone else to play along...I'm laughing on the inside...?

We went there over the weekend for a bit of a final inspection since it settles today...finally.
Let the fun begin

Friday, September 6, 2013

Call me...minion

Well, today I feel was a productive's not very often I get time that is kid free but E went to her nannie and pas for the afternoon, I still had AJ but she kindly had a 3 and a half/4 hour sleep. I moved around furniture and vacuumed and mopped under it all, I cleaned out E's cupboard, packed away some stuff, did some washing, cleaned out AJ's room and check over some of my sister-in-laws work. And now I'm about to make dinner. If only I could get paid for this type of stuff I would be rich hahaha.

Let me know if you need anything done (but I may start charging hahaha)

P.S. the house settles Monday...yay!

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

It's happening...

Wow, so my last post was about 5 months ago...ooops and it was about purchasing our new property. Forgot to update you all on our house we had to put on the market but it sold....within 2 weeks which was great. We got a quick settlement and therefore have been living at N's brothers house waiting for the new place to settle. And so, the time has come to start packing again because we move in in less then a month. YAY.
I am actually a little excited and eager to get to work, cleaning things up! However N has exposed the fact that the new place has an outhouse toilet - awesome. When we first looked at the 'house' (it's actually technically a cottage - another awesome...) N said it was bad so I was expecting something that was about to be condemned. I was pleasantly surprised when it wasn't that bad so I took a quick look though and of course didn't not take any notice of a toilet or a lack there of tell you the truth I don't even remember a bathroom with a shower ect. but N assures me there was defiantly one of those...inside. It has just snuck up on me, I can't believe it's time for the next exciting chapter of our lives to start - it's going to be a jam packed month - can't wait.
Blog again soon...I hope xoxo

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Exciting Times Ahead...

I guess now is a better time then any to let you all know we put an offer on a property...and it was we're moving...
The photographer came last night to take photos of our house in time for our open for inspection THIS life has been slightly hectic and we have been feeling like were living on the block (the renovation tv show)...
The new land will be great involving many adventures I'm sure however the house leaves much to be desired and will be a challenge in itself till we can afford to rebuild.
Wish us luck in selling our house ASAP, I can't keep this house clean for very long hahaha

Friday, February 15, 2013

A future

A good friend of mine was in a car accident a little while ago now. It was pretty bad, going 100kms an hour and rolled the car 5 times...all three in the car walked away. Looking at the car I dont know how they survived...with hardly a scratch...
You have to remember what is important at the end of the day...sometimes you have to remind the people around you how much they mean to you. I would hate for someone important to me leave this world without knowing they mean so much.
It has made N and I get off our butts and finally write our will, I know but better later then never right?

It takes a village!?!

Its been a while, but I have been extremely busy with two kids. They are absolutely beautiful and amaze me everyday. E is just the sweetest (most of the time) which makes me love her more and more everyday and AJ is a clever little cookie which makes me feel as though I may actually be doing an ok job (shes my reassurance hahaha).
Life has changed a lot and got me thinking about how much pressure we put on ourselves as mothers to do absolutely everything. Why are we no longer able to ask for help? Its like society makes us feel inferior if we need a little help every now and again.
Why do we put all this pressure on our selves feeling as though we have to raise our children alone? What ever happened to 'it takes a village a raise a child'?
A friend was over the other day - I was in the toilet with the two girls singing and reading books to try and get my friends daughter to do wees on the toilet (the joys of starting toilet training, E was showing her friend how its done hahaha) and my friend cleaned up the toys the girls had been playing with, as easy as that and I had a clean house again...
I know how it feels to not be able to ask those around you for help but I'm sure there is someone you can...maybe a best friend? And when you feel up to it don't forget your friends may feel the same about not asking for help when they really need it so take the time to help without them asking...invite them for coffee and help toilet train their kids...don't just sit and chat...think of something that might help raising kids easier! Being a mum can be challenging, overwhelming, disheartening, and lonely...everyone needs a little help sometimes and sometimes it takes a village!